Bat-Blinds is a screen saver module that works with the screen saver built into Windows 3.1. Copy ssbat.scr into your Windows 3.1 directory, and run the control panel desktop to set and configure Bat-blinds. In "bat-mode", organo-metalic (well, not really) bands will wrap around each of your windows to protect them from prying eyes. Check the sound box to enable a whip-like sound for those of you with sound drivers. (The sound cannot be changed). The colorful option enables random colors for the bands. The band height controls how high each band will be (duh). Larger values will cover the screen faster. 32 is my favorite in 800x600 mode. The timeout specifies how amny MILLIseconds to wait between closing windows. Set it to zero if you want the fastest screen blanking. In non-bat-mode, Bat-Blinds is an enhanced version of my previous screen saver ssblind.scr. Bat-Blinds is free, so enjoy. Standard legal disclaimers, etc. Source code available on request. Paul Gyugyi